"> '); Girard Bible Church: Girard, KS > Foundational Truths for Making Disciples
November 20, 2016

Foundational Truths for Making Disciples

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Series: Discipleship Topic: Sunday Morning Service Scripture: Matthew 28:18–20

Three foundational truths for the mandate to make disciples.

Introduction: The setting for these truths (16-17).

  1. Jesus has absolute authority (18).

  2. Jesus demands reproduction (19-20a).

    1. The command to make disciples (19b)

    2. The description of making disciples (19-20a)

      1. Go (19a)

      2. Baptize (19c)

      3. Teach (20a)

  3. Jesus offers complete comfort (20b).

other sermons in this series

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The Work of the Ministry

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Series: Discipleship

Nov 27


Jesus' Goals for Discipling His Church

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Ephesians 4:7–16 Series: Discipleship