"> '); Girard Bible Church: Girard, KS > About


Girard Bible Church (GBC) was established on January 26, 1969 by a small group of families who were seeking to study the Bible and live out their faith. These families saw a need in Girard for biblical teaching, discipleship, and fellowship as taught in the Bible.

Our ministry distinctives include proclaiming and teaching:

  • God’s supremacy over all things

  • the exclusivity of Jesus Christ and the gospel proclaimed in His name

  • the sufficiency and authority of God’s word for all of life

  • a biblically accurate view of mankind

  • a biblical understanding of the church

  • the priority of the church to equip believers for ministry

  • and the foundational motivation that success in life and ministry is faithfulness to God according to what He has revealed in His word.

Email: info@girardbiblechurch.org