"> '); Girard Bible Church: Girard, KS > Good News of Great Joy: The Savior is Announced
July 2, 2017

Good News of Great Joy: The Savior is Announced

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Series: The Gospel of Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Service Scripture: Luke 2:8–20

Glorify God because the Savior has come!

1. The heavenly announcement (8-14)

2. The human reactions (15-20)

other sermons in this series

Feb 28


The Ascension of the King

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Luke 24:50–53 Series: The Gospel of Luke

Feb 21


The Disciples' Mission Part 2

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Luke 24:44–49 Series: The Gospel of Luke

Feb 14


The Disciples' Mission

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Luke 24:44–47 Series: The Gospel of Luke