The Day of the LORD
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Series: Joel Topic: Sunday Morning Service Scripture: Joel 1:15
Five focal points for the Day of the LORD:
1. It is a Day of Vengeance for the LORD (Jer. 46:10; Zeph. 1:17 – 18).
2. It is a Day of Judgment against the nations (Obadiah 15; Joel 3:2, 12).
3. It is a Day of Salvation and Judgment for Israel (Obadiah 15 – 17; Amos 5:18 – 20; Zeph. 1:10 – 16).
4. It is a Day of Judgment against unbelievers (1 Thess. 5:2 – 3; 2 Thess. 1:9 – 10a; 2 Pet. 3:7).
5. It is a Day of Salvation for the church (1 Thess. 4:13 – 18).
other sermons in this series
Apr 2
The Great Reversal, Part 3(b)
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Joel 3:1–21 Series: Joel
Mar 26
The Great Reversal, Part 3
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Joel 3:1–17 Series: Joel
Mar 19
The Great Reversal, Part 2
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Joel 2:28–32 Series: Joel