March 7, 2022

The Era of the Gentiles, Part 1

Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Series: Zechariah Scripture: Zechariah 9:1–7


(1:1-6) Theme of the Book: It’s time to repent

Eight visions in chapters 1–6 reveal God’s big picture plan for what will be in the end. “Chiastic structure”: Visions push forward to the central components in chs. 3–4

A. (1:7-17) 1st Vision: God remembers His plan (reconnaissance horses report of peaceful earth)

B. (1:18-21) 2nd Vision: God remembers His scheme for history (four horns and four craftsmen)

B. (2:1-13) 3rd Vision: God remembers His promises that His relationship with them will facilitate a relationship between God and the nations (Measuring Man measures Jerusalem)

C. (3:1-10) 4th Vision: God will accomplish His promises through the Angel of the Lord who is the atonement-offering Priest-King (Joshua’s clothes)

C. (4:1-14) 5th Vision: God will accomplish His promises through His authority-exercising King-Priest (lampstand, bowl, and olive trees)

B. (5:1-4) 6th Vision: God refines His people through judgment (flying scroll)

B. (5:5-11) 7th Vision: God prepares for future Babylon (woman in a basket)

A. (6:1-8) 8th Vision: God will fulfill His agenda (Four chariots)

(6:9-15) Application of the Book: Fulfill your role in the agenda

Chapters 7–8: How to live now because of what will be in the end

A. (7:1-7) Be Genuinely in Mourning because Exile is still a Reality

B. (7:8-14) Learn what the Real Problem is: Externalism and Superficiality

C. (8:1-23) Live Today according to What God will Do in the End

  • (8:1-8) God’s Plan to Renew His Relationship with Israel in the End

  • (8:9-13) Therefore, Be Strong to Trust & Obey God Today because God will Save in the End

  • (8:14-15) Therefore, Reject Paralyzing Fear over Today’s Circumstances Because God will Do Good in the End

  • (8:16-17) Therefore, Implement Truth Now because God Loves Truth

  • (8:18-23) Do It All Today because It Contributes with God’s Plan in the End

Overview of chapters 9–14

  • These chapters bring together the vision of ch. 1–8 in one synthesized and cohesive storyline. God reveals how everything is going to work.

  • “Burden” serves as a structure marker

    • Chapters 9–11 deals with the era of the Gentiles/nations (see Luke 21:24)

    • Chapters 12–14 deals with the end and the return of the King-Shepherd

Overview of chapter 9

  • Chapter 9 is a panoramic glimpse into the era of the Gentiles/nations

  • 9:1-10 predicts Alexander the Great’s conquest of the area 150 years after Zechariah (ca. 333 BC) and his inexplicable preservation of Jerusalem

  • That prediction is used to show what the result of Jerusalem’s preservation will be in the end

  • 9:11-17 God is still faithful to Israel throughout this era

1. (9:1) Overview of the Two Eras: Judgment and Salvation

2. (9:2-6) Judgment against the Nations

3. (9:7) Salvation for a Remnant from the Nations

4. (9:8) Protection for Israel

5. (9:9-10) Salvation for Israel and the nations because of the Savior-King’s Coming

other sermons in this series