Live what you believe
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Series: Colossians Topic: Sunday Morning Service Scripture: Colossians 2:6–7
Two interlocking parts involved in living under the lordship of Christ:
Remember the Christ you embraced (6a).
Live in light of the Christ you embraced (6b-7).
This life is commanded according to the truth (6b).
This life is grounded according to the truth (7a-d).
Grounded in the fact that you have been rooted in Christ (7a).
Grounded in the fact that you are being built up in Christ (7b).
Grounded in the fact that you are being established in the faith (7c).
Grounded in the fact that you have been sufficiently taught (7d).
This life is accompanied by an attitude according to the truth (7e).
other sermons in this series
Nov 6
The benefits of like-minded ministry friends
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Colossians 4:7–18 Series: Colossians
Oct 30
Principles for Interacting with Your Unbelieving Friends
Speaker: Noah Hartmetz Scripture: Colossians 4:5–6 Series: Colossians
Oct 23
Principles for Cultivating a Lifestyle of Persistent Prayer
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